第33关 用户名kohsamui 密码thailand
Finally,the last one!
图片的名称是beer1.jpg,显然要尝试beer2.jpg,得到提示no, png ,得到beer2.png
一张杂乱无章的图片,根据之前页面Page Source里的提示:
1 2 3 4 If you are blinded by the light, remove its power, with its might. Then from the ashes, fair and square, another truth at you will glare.
首先,我们要把较亮的像素移除,然后用剩下的像素(from the ashes)重新组成一副图片。那要移除多少像素呢,应该是要使剩下的像素点的个数为平方数(fair and square).
1 2 3 4 im = Image.open ('data/beer2.png' ) im_data = np.array(list (im.getdata())) im_data_stat = itemfreq(im_data) pprint(im_data_stat)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 array([[ 1 , 1532 ], [ 2 , 232 ], [ 7 , 963 ], [ 8 , 189 ], [ 13 , 724 ], [ 14 , 329 ], [ 19 , 549 ], [ 20 , 243 ], [ 25 , 144 ], [ 26 , 424 ] ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 pprint([np.sqrt(i) for i in np.cumsum(im_data_stat[:, 1 ])]) [39.14077158156185 , 42.0 , 52.220685556587632 , 54.0 , 60.332412515993425 , 63.0 , 67.216069507224233 , 69.0 , 70.035705179572517 , 73.0 , 73.810568348983736 , 76.0 ... ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 from PIL import Imageimport numpy as npfrom scipy.stats import itemfreqfrom pprint import pprintim = Image.open ('data/beer2.png' ) im_data = np.array(list (im.getdata())) im_data_stat = itemfreq(im_data) pprint(im_data_stat) pprint([np.sqrt(i) for i in np.cumsum(im_data_stat[:, 1 ])]) for i in range (im_data_stat.shape[0 ] - 2 , 0 , -2 ): newIm_data = im_data[np.where(im_data < im_data_stat[i, 0 ])] idx_0 = np.where(newIm_data == newIm_data.max ()) idx_1 = np.where(newIm_data != newIm_data.max ()) newIm_data[idx_0] = 0 newIm_data[idx_1] = 1 size = int (np.sqrt(len (newIm_data))) newIm = Image.new('1' , (size, size)) newIm.putdata(newIm_data) newIm.save('data/level33_%i.png' % i)